Blog 3: TV Series


Hi everyone, today I'm going to tell you a little bit about the series I watch in my free time. Right now I'm watching Seinfeld on Netflix. It has 9 seasons, over 100 episodes and is the most vivid picture of everything not to be and do in life, but in a comedic way, which makes it an ironic and very good sitcom. I'm on season 8!

Also, I usually watch videos of youtubers. The one I like the most is called 'Te lo resumo', which is a channel dedicated to summarize the plots of movies and series in a funny way. The best video of the whole channel is undoubtedly the one of the Fast and Furious saga.I leave the link in case you want to see it, it is a 20 minute laugh:

I usually watch Netflix for the convenience and because it has no ads. Also, I watch a lot of Youtube because they are short videos, no more than 15 minutes and that makes it possible to distract me while I'm working.

Avatar, the Legend of Aang has been a series that has stuck with me since I was a teenager. I don't even remember how many times I've watched it anymore. The mystique of the elements, the political and military conflict of the fire nation, the stability and crisis of the earth kingdom and the final fight between the Avatar and the fire lord are things that I remember and have very present always hahaha.

See you soon!


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