Blog 8: English Language Challenges
Hello everyone, this is my last blog! Now I want to tell you a little bit about how was the experience of learning English at university in the context of the pandemic. In general, virtuality was not the best tool to be able to interact with my classmates or with my teachers. I work and raise my son, Santiago, and during the quarantine it was very difficult to be able to combine all these tasks. But you can learn a lot through blogging! It is a very interesting way of approaching the study of another language, thinking about the particular interests of those who are learning. In school I had learned English from its grammar rules, verb tenses and spelling. It is much closer to real life to write a blog, where I can tell the things I like. Although I like blogging, I think I need to work on my English speaking skills. I have learned and now I understand what I read. Also, I have been developing writing skills, but speaking in another language is still hard for me, most...