
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Blog 8: English Language Challenges

  Hello everyone, this is my last blog! Now I want to tell you a little bit about how was the experience of learning English at university in the context of the pandemic.  In general, virtuality was not the best tool to be able to interact with my classmates or with my teachers. I work and raise my son, Santiago, and during the quarantine it was very difficult to be able to combine all these tasks.  But you can learn a lot through blogging! It is a very interesting way of approaching the study of another language, thinking about the particular interests of those who are learning. In school I had learned English from its grammar rules, verb tenses and spelling. It is much closer to real life to write a blog, where I can tell the things I like. Although I like blogging, I think I need to work on my English speaking skills. I have learned and now I understand what I read. Also, I have been developing writing skills, but speaking in another language is still hard for me, most...

Blog 7: Changes to my study program

 Hello! today I am going to tell you about some changes I have thought the major in political science could have.  First, I think political theory should focus on contemporary philosophical traditions, rather than a historical survey of political theory. The Classical Political Thought course should be taken for two semesters. In addition, a discipline as qualitative as political science should go more deeply into qualitative research methods. Currently it is only one course, but there should be two semesters of qualitative method. In this digital age, all the tools we have at our disposal to bring the educational process closer should be occupied. Documentaries, series, even cartoons have a high pedagogical value that should be claimed. The workload in general is good, the demand is not so hard but it does require a lot of time to invest in reading. Perhaps it would be prudent to move towards more expository and oral mechanisms rather than written essays. In addition, teamwor...

Blog 6: time travel to future

  Hello everyone, today I am going to show you the future I imagine for Chile, for the year 2036. I choose that particular year because it will be when Santiago, my little friend and partner, will be 18 years old.  I hope that by that time, the State and society will have undergone important transformations, in inclusion and equality, so that no one else in this country will have to die because they did not have access to health care, for example.  By that year, I also hope that there will still be houses left in Santiago. I would like to think of a future where the neighborhood and neighborhood life continue to be a central part of social life and where the large vertical ghettos have been displaced along with the real estate companies that speculate with the price of land. I also believe that in the future we will be living in a plurinational state that recognizes and protects native peoples. Thus, my son will be able to live a life free of violence because of his Mapuc...

Blog 3: TV Series

  Hi everyone, today I'm going to tell you a little bit about the series I watch in my free time. Right now I'm watching Seinfeld on Netflix. It has 9 seasons, over 100 episodes and is the most vivid picture of everything not to be and do in life, but in a comedic way, which makes it an ironic and very good sitcom. I'm on season 8! Also, I usually watch videos of youtubers. The one I like the most is called 'Te lo resumo', which is a channel dedicated to summarize the plots of movies and series in a funny way. The best video of the whole channel is undoubtedly the one of the Fast and Furious saga.I leave the link in case you want to see it, it is a 20 minute laugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkr5hsazoEM&ab_channel=Teloresumo I usually watch Netflix for the convenience and because it has no ads. Also, I watch a lot of Youtube because they are short videos, no more than 15 minutes and that makes it possible to distract me while I'm working. Avatar, the Le...